The profiles presented here represent businesses currently participating in the Craft Labrador project. If you operate a craft business in Labrador and would like to join the project, please contact us.
We are well-known for the creation of the Labrador Gun Bag and Northern Bell Tent. Our canvas products include the camouflage gun bags, boil up bags, and Labrador’s traditional ice-fishing sticks. We offer customized sealskin upholstery. Labrador Upholstery specializes in master upholstery services for automobile, commercial, industrial, marine, and residential.
We are located at 4 Hamilton River Road, Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Come and check out Labrador’s number 1 upholstery outfitter.
Historic Point Amour Lighthouse is home to Tour Labrador and Lighthouse Gifts. We carry local handmade crafts and art work, as well as our famous partridgeberry tea and iceberg tea. Product lines include: jewellery, including an excellent selection of Labradorite; prints by local artists; carvings; pottery; knitted goods; seal and other fur products; and Labrador fine art. Browse the shop for that special something that will carry fond memories of your bucket list trip to Labrador and the sense of pristine, untouched wilderness of the place.
Max’s House Accommodations and Friday’s Lighthouse Dinners also operate out of the Lighthouse Gifts shop.
Open at Point Amour from June 15th to September 15th.
Off season, you can find our products at Food Chopper Grocery in Forteau.
You can find Lighthouse Gifts on Facebook..